Interested in joining the MN Council for HIV/AIDS Care and Prevention?
Make a difference and be a leader in Minnesota’s effort to end the HIV epidemic. By joining the Minnesota Council for HIV/AIDS Care and Prevention you will help decide how money is used to provide prevention and care services for people living with HIV/AIDS or at high risk for acquiring HIV. Please share the membership application with your networks and anyone who is interested. Learn more on our HIV Council Brochure.
Membership Requirements
Each member is expected to:
Membership Options
MN Council for HIV/AIDS Care and Prevention Membership
Council members commit to a two-year term during which they prepare for and attend monthly Council meetings. These meetings occur on the second Tuesday of each month from 9 am-12 pm. The Council operates through a committee structure and being a member means attending monthly Council meetings in addition to participating in at least one committee. Committees meet once a month for two to three hours either monthly or every other month.
Community Membership
There is an alternative to full Council membership. The Community Membership option offers participants who wish to participate on the committee level to become a community member for any committee. Once they have satisfied the committee’s eligibility requirements, they are eligible to vote on issues brought before the committee. Community members may also attend full Council meetings but voting privileges are limited to their committee.
Membership Requirements for Community Membership
Each member is expected to:
- Serve a term of two years; one subsequent term is allowed contingent upon reappointment.
- Attend monthly meetings and serve on at least one standing committee.
- Commit to 8 - 10 hours per month to MN Council for HIV/AIDS Care and Prevention business, including attendance at full MN Council for HIV/AIDS Care and Prevention meetings, committee meetings and preparation time.
- Attend new member orientation before voting on issues under consideration by the MN Council for HIV/AIDS Care and Prevention or its committees, and participate in other training opportunities as appropriate. This requirement applies to those newly elected to the MN Council for HIV/AIDS Care and Prevention and those who are returning after sitting out the requisite year before reapplication/reappointment.
- Participate fully in all responsibilities as mandated by federal legislation, including but not limited to the following:
- Comprehensive planning and other planning processes
- Needs assessment activities
- Priority setting and completing the prioritization instrument
- Allocation and reallocation of resources
- Evaluation of the administrative mechanism
Membership Options
MN Council for HIV/AIDS Care and Prevention Membership
Council members commit to a two-year term during which they prepare for and attend monthly Council meetings. These meetings occur on the second Tuesday of each month from 9 am-12 pm. The Council operates through a committee structure and being a member means attending monthly Council meetings in addition to participating in at least one committee. Committees meet once a month for two to three hours either monthly or every other month.
Community Membership
There is an alternative to full Council membership. The Community Membership option offers participants who wish to participate on the committee level to become a community member for any committee. Once they have satisfied the committee’s eligibility requirements, they are eligible to vote on issues brought before the committee. Community members may also attend full Council meetings but voting privileges are limited to their committee.
Membership Requirements for Community Membership
- Community Voices Committee: No attendance requirement.
- Disparities Elimination Committee: Three out of four meetings. Interested community members must state their intent to become a voting member of the committee before they will be granted voting rights.
- Membership & Training Committee: Three out of four meetings. Interested community members must state their intent to become a voting member of the committee before they will be granted voting rights.
- Needs Assessment & Evaluation Committee: Three out of four meetings. Interested community members must state their intent to become a voting member of the committee before they will be granted voting rights.
- Planning & Allocations Committee: Three out of four meetings. Interested community members must state their intent to become a voting member of the committee before they will be granted voting rights.
- Executive Committee: This committee is comprised of each of the committee co-chairs and the Council co-chairs.